Personalize Experiences that Keep Audiences Engaged

Enhance viewer engagement with AI-driven recommendations and dynamic discovery tools.
Analyze content at an emotional and cognitive level, to ensure recommendations resonate deeply with audiences and improve overall content discoverability.

Metadata Enrichment

Transform Your Library
with Precision Metadata

Data Enhancement

Enhance your content with AI-driven metadata, using detailed keywords and mood tags for richer categorization.

Elevated Discoverability

Boost content discoverability by automating metadata standardization for more accurate, personalized recommendations.

Scalable and Accurate

Replace generic tags with precise metadata to strenghten content relevance and viewer satisfaction at scale.

Custom Thumbnails

Maximize Clicks
with Compelling Visuals

Dynamic Thumbnail Creation

Highlight the essence of your content, attracting more viewers through AI-generated custom thumbnails.

Tailored Visual Experience

Personalize thumbnails to match viewer preferences, increasing the likelihood of content selection.

Boost Viewer Interaction

Increase click-through rates by presenting visually appealing and contextually relevant thumbnails that stand out in crowded libraries.

Preview Clips and Shorts

Capture Attention
with the Right Moment

Automated Clip Generation

Generate impactful preview clips with AI-driven character tracking for optimal framing, avoiding basic centered cuts.

Personalized Engagement

Boost engagement by providing clips according to individual tastes, encouraging more  exploration and longer watch times.

Efficient Content Promotion

Save time and resources by automating the creation of high-quality, mood-specific clips that drive viewer interest.

Impact with the Discovery Suite


Recommendation Accuracy

with advanced Metadata Enrichment.


Content Discovery Rates

with Preview Clips.


Viewer Engagement

with Thumbnails.

Trusted by industry-leading companies worldwide

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ questions about the Discovery Suite

What is the Discovery Suite, and how does it enhance content discoverability?

The Discovery Suite is a comprehensive AI-powered solution designed to elevate content discoverability and viewer engagement on streaming platforms. By automating the classification and enrichment of content metadata, the Discovery Suite enables more accurate and personalized content recommendations. This suite includes features like automated preview clips, custom thumbnails, and advanced content classification, all of which work together to make your content easier to find and more appealing to viewers, ultimately driving higher engagement and satisfaction.

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Can Vionlabs generate preview clips in various aspect ratios?

Yes, the Discovery Suite can generate preview clips in any aspect ratio required, including optimized formats for mobile viewing. The AI crafts 9:16 clips specifically designed for a mobile-first world. By utilizing advanced character tracking, it ensures that the main characters and the narrative stay in focus, providing an engaging experience even in vertical formats. These clips are perfectly suited for platforms like TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram. Unlike traditional centered cutting, our AI ensures that each frame is tailored to highlight key visual elements, enhancing viewer engagement across all devices.

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What types of metadata are available in the Discovery Suite?

The AI generates a wide range of detailed metadata that goes beyond basic genre classifications. This includes:
- Over 40 Diverse Genres: Catering to every conceivable audience preference.
- More than 2,300 Time-Coded Keywords: These allow for precise and efficient content categorization.
- 700+ Mood Tags: These attach specific emotional descriptors to content, enhancing nuanced discovery and recommendation processes. These tags are further categorized into over 40 Mood Categories that resonate with the emotional palette of viewers.
- Similar Content Identification: This feature effortlessly surfaces related titles, keeping viewers engaged by drawing from the deep well of metadata that the Discovery Suite provides.

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How does the AI ensure that custom thumbnails are optimized for viewer engagement?

The AI generates custom thumbnails by analyzing the visual and contextual elements of your content. It selects frames that are most likely to capture attention and resonate with viewers, considering factors like character focus, emotional tone, and overall visual appeal. This results in higher click-through rates and better overall viewer engagement.

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Is the Discovery Suite scalable for large content libraries?

Absolutely. The Discovery Suite is designed to handle content libraries of any size, from small collections to vast archives. Its AI-driven automation allows for the efficient processing and categorization of thousands of minutes of content daily, ensuring that even the largest libraries are accurately classified and enriched with high-quality metadata. This scalability makes the Discovery Suite an ideal solution for streaming platforms with growing content needs, enabling them to maintain high levels of content discoverability and viewer engagement as they expand.

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